Race Expo
- Must go to pick up bib, packet, and shirt
- Don’t sample NEW things that cause upset
- Don’t spend lots of timing walking around, stay off your feet
- Stay off feet as much as possible, relax
- Stay hydrated – sip sip sip
- Bigger meal at lunch, simple carbs lite protein at dinner, not spicy
- Sleep but if you can’t, don’t sweat it
Checking in a bag
- Disposable water bottle to sip at start
- Bar and/or banana to have before start
- Flip Flops/Sandal or shirt to change into
- Damp wash cloth in plastic baggy to wipe face etc after race
- No valuables in checked bag
Race Day BEFORE the race
- Your usual routine! Nothing new
- Eat breakfast, if you can’t stomach it, bring it along and try again
- Hydrate!
- Better to leave early and have time for lines at porta-potty and to turn in checked bag
- Meet EBF at indicated location before going into wave corrals
- Aid stations – how to take the cup and drink- make eye contact, point to the cup, take cup, squeeze cup together to drink easier, don’t drop excess onto ground where others are running!
- Walk breaks – move to the side before slow/stop
Race execution
- Pacing is everything – control race day excitement, easy at first
- Avoid spiking heart rate on hills or pace / only one box of matches
- Stick to your plan! But…
- Be prepared to alter your plan, especially in later miles
- Segmentation – 1 mile, half mile, quarter mile, that light pole
- FIX it now, not later
- Enjoy the day – take it all in
- Know the reason you are doing this
- Have a mantra, or a word, a phrase
- “The Wall” – walls have windows and doors, go through! It will pass!
Post Race
- Get some fuel back in your system soon after crossing finish
- Protein, choc milk – start the recovery process
- Meet up with team if you want
- Enjoy your accomplishment!